Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottawa, ON K1G3V4
613-733-2662 ext 733

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Affiliated conferences

May 25-29, 2021
The Ottawa Mathematics Conference (OMC) provides a venue for graduate students in mathematics and statistics to showcase their original research. Alongside the student talks, expert mathematicians from Canadian universities and industry will give keynote talks and host workshops. New this year, together with original research, participants are welcome to submit abstracts for seminar sessions. We will also be hosting a Three-Minute Thesis competition, students are welcome to register with a thesis title.
June 2-3, 2021

The CMS Committee for Women in Mathematics, with support of the CMS and its institutional partners, periodically organizes workshops entitled Connecting Women in Mathematics Across Canada (CWiMAC). The purpose of the CWiMAC workshops is to support the career development of junior female academics in the Canadian mathematics community.

June 11-13, 2021

The 45th Annual Meeting of CMESG/GCEDM will be held virtually. The conference begins on Friday June 11th and ends on Sunday June 13th.

June 14-18, 2021

Operator algebras originated in the early 1900’s through the seminal work of von Neumann, which was inspired by his search for a natural mathematical framework for quantum mechanics and numerous other mathematical challenges from the theory of operators on Hilbert spaces.

May 31 - June 4, 2021

The Canadian Operator Symposium (COSy) was founded by Israel Halperin in 1972, and has grown into the main annual conference for the operator algebras and operator theory community in Canada. This symposium draws leading researchers from around the world to discuss the most interesting recent developments, provides a forum for Canadian researchers to publicize their results, and gives a vital learning experience to young researchers entering the field.