Benoit Dionne, University of Ottawa
Online teaching... from now on
Coming soon
Darja Barr, University of Manitoba
Emily Mckinnon, University of Manitoba
Friday June 11 | 12:30pm
Transitioning to University: Indigenous Perspectives on Post-Secondary Mathematics
Panel Discussion on Supporting Indigenous Students in their transition to University math
The Connections with Indigenous Art/Math/Story/Creating

This course will review the connection with Indigenous Art, Math, Story and Creations using the 4 r’s of Indigenous learnings.
The circles and dots within an Indigenous Art form connect with Math, story and creations, meaning the painting itself that will be created by the learners.
Andie Burazin, University of Toronto
Lauren Dedieu, University of Calgary
Miroslav Lovric, McMaster University
Anything but Calculus! Alternatives to teaching Calculus in
year 1
Imagine life without Calculus … ok, not really without Calculus, but without this Calculus that we have been teaching for decades. We were not happy with it 30 years ago; we’re not happy with it today. So, let’s try to imagine what year 1 university instruction would look like without Calculus, and then, consider teaching Calculus, but new Calculus, in the second year. We are looking for creative thinking, novel ideas, provocations – we are trying to start a revolution! There is lots of good math out there – why focus on teaching specific content, when we could be connecting math concepts and learning math through problem solving? Have we forgotten that calculus was invented to answer major questions in physics, so why not teach calculus within a course on Mechanics? How would a physicist explain that sin x is approximately x for small x? Does an engineer really need L’Hopital’s rule, integration by trig substitution and telescoping series? Why are we demanding that commerce students take an entire calculus course when one week of instruction on functions would do?